
Crafty Resolutions For 2008

  1. CREATE MORE! (this means MAKING THE TIME... I am SO bad at that...)
  2. blog more (heh heh...)
  3. make a card for every single occasion (no more running off to Halmark at the last minute because I couldn't get a card done that I was content with - just GET THEM DONE!)
  4. make cards for no occasion at all... and send them :)
  5. make (at least) 1 card a week
  6. make 3 Christmas cards a month
  7. make 2 scrapbook layouts a month
  8. use more of what I have
  9. spend less (yeah, right... LOL)

What are your crafty resolutions for 2008? :)


~**Dawn**~ said...

Blog more, huh? ;-)

Tami H said...

Hi Lis! Great resolutions! Especially love numbers 1 and 10...amen! I think I'll just ditto your numbers 1, 3 (even though I broke that only ten days in '08, LOL...), 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10! (Nothing against 2, 6, and 7, but I don't have a blog, I scared myself out of scrapbooking years ago, and I've surrendered on the handmade Christmas card thing...as you're well aware of...LOL!)

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