
Greetings... from 5,280 feet up!

Hello! Thanks for visiting. :) I know it's been a while... quite a while! After moving and unpacking, I decided to take the rest of the summer off. Completely. No blogging or (hardly any) stamping... nothing but taking our time getting settled in and discovering our new surroundings. What an adventure this all has been! :)

In a nutshell, we are really loving it out here. Of course for us hot, dried out desert rats, the weather has taken some getting used to, but we're certainly not complaining! ;) I've also been quite surprised by the people out here and their attitude toward life - very friendly, very laid back, very family oriented. I guess I've just become so jaded by big city life and living so close to the west coast. ;) All in all, we felt right at home as soon as we got here and are excited about what the future holds. :)

As for stamping, I haven't done much, I'm sorry to say. Being in this new house has afforded me my very own stamping/scrapping space, which sounds exciting, doesn't it?! :D However, coming from a house where the only space I was able to create at was the dining room table, I had no furniture for my new "room" (which is technically the formal dining room). And no furniture meant no stamping! Being on a very restrictive budget as a result of the move originally left me a little perplexed as to how I was going to furnish my new digs. But I managed to come up with something. ;) Stay tuned for a tour of my very first, ever so humble, (but MINE-ALL-MINE), brand new, craft space! :D

As for the blog, I debated closing it down, feeling bad for having "neglected" it for so long. But, after gaining a little perspective and remembering why I started it up in the first place, I decided to keep it going. ;) Since deciding to continue the blog, I have made a few changes. Obviously, the URL is different... so be sure to change your bookmark accordingly. I also removed my slideshow viewer (for those on dial-up), a few miscellaneous buttons, and all but one of my stat/rank counters. I've also taken down the FeedBlitz sign up box, but if enough people would rather receive updates by email, and make those preferences known to me, I will strongly reconsider using it again. These are just a few things that I found myself putting too much focus on, instead of what the blog is truly meant to be about, so I hope my changes don't offend or inconvenience anyone. I've also added a LOT more blog links over in my sidebar! The small amount of blog hopping I've done this summer has revealed a plethora of talent out there that I'm sure you will enjoy, so take a look! :)

I have several things in the works for the next couple weeks... Diane tagged me back in April, so I'm going to get back to that first... there's some tips to share and perhaps even a pic tutorial on using Perfect Layers that I'm thinking about doing (so many people have a difficult time visualizing how this product works, that I've decided to try my best at an explanation - it's one of my favorite and most-used tools, so I really want to try to help people understand it)... then there's the previously mentioned tour of my new space... a couple of cards too, of course... I even plan on celebrating my belated one-year blog anniversary with a modest treat. ;) So check back whenever you can and thanks again for reading. Have a great weekend! :)


Godelieve said...

Welcome back Lisa! Looking forward to seeing more beautiful cards.

Tami H said...

Hi neighbor! ;) So glad you're loving CO! Wow, now I feel *extra* special, knowing you weren't stamping much this summer but you still created that gorgeous little number for moi. ;) Hugs girl!

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