
a card a day in may - 5/22: YOU BRIGHTEN MY DAY

Hi, friends! Thank you for your wonderful comments yesterday about my first post over at ABNH. :) I was super nervous!

Back again today with another ACADIM for ya! But just one card this time. ;) I loooove this new 'Flower Table Cloth' background stamp from Hero/Basic Grey... absolutely GORGEOUS! I knew right away that I wanted to clear emboss it and color it in. I tend to do that technique a lot, LOL:

First, I stamped the Hero Arts 'Thank You Definition' in the background with the Soft Sand shadow ink. Then, just clear emboss the 'Table Cloth' background over that, and go to town with the markers! I tried to do a little shading on the leaves with two different green markers.. hee! And even though I used a "thanks" sentiment on the background, I thought "you brighten my day" was perfect for a colorful card like this one. So basically it says, "Thank you for brightening my day!" :) I don't know what set that sentiment comes from, but I DO know for sure that's a Hero Arts one... so if anyone knows and would let me know, I'd appreciate it!

Thank you so much for reading! My ACADIM journey is 3/4 of the way over, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support through your thoughtful comments. It helps me keep going! See you again tomorrow. ♥

**UPDATE** I received a really nice email from Pamela informaing me that the sentiment is from the Hero Arts set 'Big Hugs', CL456. Thanks so much, Pamela! :)

paper: PTI (kraft) and Hero Arts (red & pool)
stamps: Hero Arts CG431 and CL456
ink: Hero Arts (Soft Sand) and Colorbox (White Frost)
other: white embossing power, Memento & Stampin' Up markers, and pop dots


DustyPenny (Joy Ott) said...

Beautiful card, Lisa!

LauraJane:) said...

GOTTA get this stamp too!

Sue McRae said...

This is so pretty Lisa! The colouring reminds me of hand embroidered Hungarian table cloths that my mom had. And how do I not know about this stamp? This is the first time I've come across it! I must put it on my wish list :)

Stephanie said...

Beautiful card!! :-)

cheiron said...

This is FABULOUS! Love the colors...so perfect!

Melinda A said...

Lisa, Thanks for your card a day in May. I am so enjoying your cards and creativity!
I'm a faithful follower.

Melinda xo

Barb said...

Love this one, Lisa! Such pretty colors! I was wondering what that stamp would look like - love it! :)

MS said...

Man Lisa-you are just amazing! Card after card, technique after technique-just beautiful & creative. I'm lovin' that background stamp too!! Must. Own. Thanks for sharing w us-& kudos for posting every day-I mean, it's not like you homeschool 4 kiddos or anything :)

Joy said...

Seriously this card is drop dead gorgeous!! love it, hugs

Anonymous said...

This is so stunning! Love how you coloured that image :)

donna mikasa said...

Gorgeous card and I love that technique! Must give it a try. I thought I knew which set that sentiment was from, but I was wrong. It's a good one!

Cindy Groh said...

Very pretty.

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