
for the kids

Hiya, peeps! It's Friiiidayyy! Any plans for the weekend? :)

Remember my post HERE about the Simon Says Stamp Kids Summer Holiday Challenge?

Well, I now have more specific info about the prize package being offered. Check it out...!

This Children's Summer Holidays/Back to School challenge is specifically for children between the ages of 2 and 16 years of age. Time to let your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and any other special young ones in your life loose in your craft rooms! :)

We have not one but 2 very special prizes for this event:

Two lucky winners will each win one of these fabulous Junior Stamper Kit's! YAY! :D

In celebration of crafting with our kids, we've developed this "Junior Stamper" kit targeted for ages 4 through 14 years. The kit includes whole assortment of products:
It's a HUGE list of supplies... many of them reusable for a long time to come. And since it's important to celebrate our children's accomplishments, the kit also comes complete with a "Junior Stamper" Certificate of Achievement...

The theme is "Anything Goes", and the kids have until August 31st to join in. AND, they can enter as many times as they like! :) Just click HERE for all the details, and to see some of the amazing creations already submitted! Or, if you want to purchase a kit of your own, you can go HERE. With this many (reusable) supplies, it's an incredible value! (Junior Stamper kits are NOT part of the monthly card kits)

Thanks for reading. I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be back with a card very soon. :)

1 comment:

MS said...

Happy Friday to you too! I get to go to a crop all day tomorrow!

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