
it's a white-out over at a blog named hero!

Hello-hello, and happy Monday! :) I hope you had a great weekend! We were outside most of the time, enjoying this gorrrrrrgeous fall weather (ironic, considering that as I type, it's raining buckets outside... perfect Monday - HA)! After having lived the AZ desert 90% of my life, it sure is wonderful to be able to live in an area(s) of the country that actually has seasons. I will never take it for granted!

Anyway, it's the first of the month - time for another challenge over at A Blog Named Hero (I had the month off last month, in case you were wondering.. :))!

And as always, the challenge is sponsored by the ever-generous Simon Says Stamp. :)

This challenge is a fun one... for me, anyway. :) Because it's a WHITE-OUT!

That's right! Nothing but white card stock. Love it. :) And here's my card:

Really clean and simple. :) The flower may look like it was just stamped and colored and cut out, but it's actually three layers of white card stock. I stamped the flower three times, colored specific parts (flower center of one, outer petals of another, and the leaves of the last one), then cut them all out and layered them on top of one another. It gives a thick, dimensional-but-not-in-your-face look. LOL Just some subtle layers... ;)

Anyway, your turn! Make your project using only white card stock, and upload HERE by Oct 10th, and you'll be entered into a drawing for a generous gift voucher to Simon Says Stamp!

Yaaay, shopping! :D Also, don't forget to go HERE to see what my fellow teamies have made for this challenge... helloooo, AWESOME!

Alrighty, thanks for reading today and for your sweet comments. :) See you soon!



Barb said...

Beautiful CAS card, Lisa! Love your bright, red flower and the fun way you framed the Dictionary Greeting!

jintyoo7 said...

Gorgeous, love it - the bold red on the white, and love the text backdrop :)

LauraJane:) said...

Great card..LOVE the red:)
The lines around the definition really pull it all together

MS said...

I knew you'd rock this challenge! Gorgeous flower! I like the subtle layering and the black elements to anchor the flower :)

Kathy (krolski) said...

Love that gorgeous pop of red with the white background. Stunning card Lisa!

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